
Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Strategies for working moms-to-be

Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t work outside the home. Here’s how to keep yourself, and your baby healthy and safe without sacrificing your career. 

Decide When You Want To Tell People

At some point, you’re going to need to tell people. It will eventually be obvious, but it still needs to be said, if only because your job duties might change, and people need to be aware of that fact. You won’t want people making you sick, or accidentally bumping into your tummy, for example. 

Accept The Challenge

Accept the challenge to stay at work. Working during pregnancy is different for everyone. Some days you will feel fantastic. Other days, you will barely be able to keep your eyes open. Your hormones are changing and this will impact your moods. There may also be some impact on your ability to concentrate on your work. 

Prepare for it. 

Don’t be surprised when your enthusiasm for work declines. It’s natural. It doesn’t mean that you don’t love your job. It’s largely because of the changes you’re going through right now. 

Plan For Maternity Leave

At some point, you will need to take maternity leave. Some women work right up to the due date. Others find that it’s best to take a few weeks off to allow for preparation, rest, and to accommodate some of the more unpleasant “side effects” of being pregnant - the growing discomfort, the back pain, the tiredness, and forgetfulness or worrying. 

Inform Your Boss

Depending on the nature of your job, you may wish to inform your boss immediately. If you get injured on the job during pregnancy, it could mean a massive liability problem for the company. Employers have a fair amount of responsibility for the basic safety of their employees, and employment law covers some of the minimum requirements for employers. You can learn more about this from specialists claims companies like

But, you also have to tell your employer about special situations, like if you’re pregnant and you are no longer able to safely do your job. You may require a reduced workload or a transfer to a new position. 

Change Up Your Diet

Because a baby draws nutrients from its mother during development, you will need to take that into account. The old phrase, “you’re eating for two now” is significant. Consider changing up your diet to include more fruits and vegetables, starches like potatoes, beans, and lentils, and more nutrient-rich meats, like liver and butter.

You will need plenty of fat-soluble vitamins, so don’t be afraid of healthy fats that are rich in vitamin A, Vitamin E, and vitamin K. 

Leave On-Time

If you’re used to staying late, this might be difficult for you to get used to. Try leaving on time. The added stress of being pregnant means you can’t handle longer work hours like you used to. 

Stay Away From Hazards At Work

If you work in an industry that handles dangerous chemicals, you’re probably going to need a transfer. There are many chemicals that will impact fetal growth and development, so it’s not something to play around with. 

Find out what your company’s accommodations are for pregnant females and take advantage of a transfer to another department. If your workplace is aware of potential dangers, your employer should be willing to work with you. 

Nadine Yates works in employee relations. She likes to share her insights online and has written for a number of women's health related websites. 

*PR collaboration
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