1. Dedicate a room a day.
This may seem a bit much and it will take you about a week to complete the house however, it is totally worth it. Really dig the room out and clean them within an inch of their life. Organise all the cupboards and drawers, wipe down all the skirting boards and clean all the windows, you will feel much better for it and your house will reflect your hard work.
2. Be prepared.
Be prepared, each room needs its own checklist to ensure you don't miss anything. I am a Pinterest addict and there are so many checklists you can find and print off to help you. Also, ensure you stock up on all the cleaning products you will possibly need. My favourite is the ECOVER brand.
3. Make it fun.
Ensure you have the whole day to yourself, get some old clothes on and blast out the music. Music always helps me clean better! If you have kids, why not rope them into helping you when they are home, you can make tidying or washing into a game.
4. Get some new home decor.
After a good spring clean I always like to finish off with just a few new pieces in a few rooms, it doesn't have to be much or too expensive, just a new vase, photo frame or cushion will add to refreshed feel of the house.

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