buddies are not only easy to make with the kids, but they're also
great presents to give to children this Easter. They're fun and
simple to do, so get hold of any lonely stray socks and turn them
into something wonderfully creative.
get started, make sure the sock is clean before filling it up with
dry lentils to just past the heel. Close the sock with a tightly
looped rubber band or neatly stitch together. To make the head, tie a
brightly coloured ribbon around the sock just below the heel and cut
the sock's cuff to make two ears! Now you have the basic shape of a
sock buddy (rabbits are great for Easter) you can start to add the
details by cutting a mouth, eyes, nose and such like from felt –
you could even add a cotton wool tail! Click
here to see how they can look!
would Easter be without something delicious to munch? It’s a great
time to get creative in the kitchen, so grab a wooden spoon, pull on
your apron and try your hand at some mouthwatering Easter biscuits. There are plenty of recipes on the internet, so whether you want to
make traditional fruit biscuits or something a little different you
won't be short of choice. If you want to surprise your friends or
relatives with some homemade baking, it's a good idea to make your
biscuits into traditional Easter/spring shapes such as birds, eggs,
chicks, butterflies and flowers. Biscuit cutters are widely available
these days, so you shouldn't have any trouble moulding your dough
into something unique and fun. Decorate your biscuits in icing, place
them in a lined wicker basket for decoration and they're sure to make
someone's day.
covered Easter strawberries
can go to a shop and buy an Easter egg, but as nice as they are, it's
well-worth trying something different. Chocolate covered Easter
strawberries make fantastic presents and are truly delicious, so
here's what you do! Firstly, wash your fruit and take out their green
stalks. Next, melt some white chocolate and (if you want to change
the colour) add a little food colouring – divide your chocolate
into separate bowls first if you want to use numerous colours.
your strawberries, leave to cool and set before jazzing them up with
icing pens. Dots, stripes, zigzags and other patterns will help bring
your creations to life. Present them neatly on a plate, or
alternatively, Google 'edible nest eggs' and whip up your very own
yummy basket.
is a great time to get creative, so celebrate in style with these
unique and effective ideas!

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