First up, I just want to add that we did also receive the Dorset Cereals Berry Granola in our box but I was so excited I took it out and put it in the cereal cupboard straight away and then forgot to photograph it, whoops! It tastes delicious though and was brilliant to see in our box :)
Along with our granola, we also got the Quinola express pearl & black, Goody Good Stuff sweets x2, Jules Destrooper butter crisps, GO! Kombucha, Zico chocolate coconut water, Amy's kitchen tomato soup, Garofalo spaghetti and 3 Maggi so juicy sachets.
I was so excited about a lot of these items, particularly the quinola, kombucha, zico coconut water and the soup. I have seen a lot of those things on a few health blogs I read and heard good things about them. There are so many products I see and want to try but never get round to it so the fact that 4 of the items are in this box is brilliant.
The Quinola made a great quick lunch for me. I just microwaved it as the instructions said and then I added in some cooked chicken, avocado and butternut squash. Finished with a bit of balsamic vinegar it was the perfect quick, healthy, quinoa salad!
The Kombucha I still haven't tried but the coconut water was ok. Not as I was expecting but to be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of coconut so I don't know why I wanted to try it so much! It is quite sugary as well so I only drank half at a time and before a workout, so I made sure I burnt it off straight away. I would still like to try the plain coconut water just because I have heard it is so good at hydrating your body and the Tone It Up girls love it ;)
I usually have soup for my lunch so this Amy's one was handy to have and it was delicious. I normally get the cream of tomato but this had so much more flavour and I swear having the chunks in it helped fill me up more. It was also pretty good stats for the protein :) The Maggi so juicy bags have been added to the cupboard but not used yet. They come in handy when we don't have much left in the house but still want a tasty meal.
Although we haven't tried everything in our box and I am still impressed the second time of trying this and if you like me, love trying new products and brands but never get round to it, it really is a great idea.
Have you tried this yet?

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