Sienna has a good collection of learning books that we spend a lot of time looking at. I am forever pointing items out, asking her what they are, what colours they are and if she can say the word. I don't think you can ever start them too young and they understand a lot more than they can express at this age!
This first 100 numbers by bright baby is brilliant and it will last her a good few years. It is bright and colourful and starts off easy for younger children such as just items in groups of numbers, and then starts to get harder by asking questions like 'how many can you count'.
We also have this great 'Colours' book that is more simple and perfect for 'the very young' like it says. It has flaps and tabs to pull to show items that are that colour.
Sienna loves pulling the flaps and seeing what is underneath. I don't really push her colours with this one yet as I do think she is a bit too young to grasp colours but this is one she will sit and look at herself, so hopefully she is familiarising herself with them subconsciously.
Next up, she has this little set of 3 books, first 100 animals, 100 things that go and 100 words. We got her these for Christmas however, they are quite small books with a lot of pictures and writing in, so I think these are more for slightly older children. Although she does enjoy the pictures and copies the poses that the children are in, i.e.. hiding their face and stood with their arms up!
Lastly, she has the usual baby learning books that are single words and pictures.
These were the first books we used for her to pick up a few words and we still use them if I am specifically trying to get her to focus on one thing as they are clear to see and she can easily pick out the one I am asking her to show me.
I try to have a good 20 minute session a day with all these books, I do think it is important to help them learn while at home. I hope as she gets older she will still love reading by herself and either keep her reading corner in her room or maybe take to reading in bed. I've mentioned before we have been thinking of the stylish Steens mid sleeper beds for when she gets older. I just think wooden cabin beds for kids make a nice 'place' and are more than just a bed, but somewhere she can relax and have a little sanctuary away from things. Especially if she ends up sharing a room with her younger brother/sister when the time comes ;)
What learning books do you use? Do you 'push' learning on your toddler?
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