I have now started offering advertising for businesses on my side bar and I'm here to introduce my first one.
This month's advertiser is Forever Living The Aloe Vera Company via Independent distributor Kelly Fellows. Forever Living offers amazing natural products that start of as just 100% aloe gel and ingredients are added to make even better products for specific things. The company has been around 35 years and are the only company to patent a technique on how they extract the sup, which makes them the only company to provide the purest form of aloe. This makes their products far superior to others aloe products on the market.
Aloe vera is great for promoting a healthy lifestyle and has many benefits for the body and the skin which is why Forever Living use it as the base of all their products. On the skin, it's very hydrating, soothing and excellent for sunburn. It's a great healer so it is also brilliant for eczema and other various skin conditions. Aloe vera can be used on any age, it is particularly great for babies as it is natural yet so effective.
Not only is it good to put on the skin, it is good to put in your body as well. It's high in minerals, vitamins, amino acids & fatty acids. It also aids digestion and detoxing of the body making the perfection addition to your healthy lifestyle. It can even help problems such as IBS in a much more natural way than medication. The range Kelly offers includes Aloe vera drinks, Supplements, Personal care, Aroma Spa, Skincare & Make-up.
They also do a 9 day detox that can help you lose weight, anything up to 14lbs! Above is Kelly's results, she did the detox and loved it so much which is why she decided to become a distributor herself. This would be great if you're looking to detox after a lovely summer holiday or if you want to feel a bit slimmer for a special event! It's also perfect if you haven't got any weight to lose but have been bloated and not eating very well. It will help you feel cleansed and healthier. You can then follow this up with the Nutri-Lean programme to help you maintain that weight so it is a sustainable programme and not a crash diet/detox.
Writing about this detox and the benefits of Aloe vera have made me really want to try this detox! I have been feeling so bloated and yucky for the past couple of weeks, it sounds like it's just what I need!
Check out Kelly's store to buy any of these products and for more information. If you have any questions don't hesitate to email Kelly, she is so helpful and will answer all your questions!
If you do try any, let me know how they are, I'm intrigued by all of them!
Have you tried Aloe Vera? How do you think the 9 day detox sounds?
If you're interested in being next month's business advertiser, please email me; kerrydyer03@googlemail.com
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