Hey everyone! Hope you're all well, just going to update you on my hair colour! If you've watched our boyfriend tag on youtube, you will have seen it!

I initially wanted it a mahogany colour, dark brown with a hint of red. I died it a 'reddish brown', however, it came out sort of bright red/purple! It was a little bright so i just chucked a 'cocoa' colour over the top. It went a little darker than i wanted but i'm getting used to it and starting to like it. It sometimes looks black in pictures but there is a hint of red/purple when the light catches it!
To match my hair colour, i also had to over haul my make-up! With such a strong hair colour, i felt i needed some thicker, more defined eyebrows, to frame my face and match my hair. I've never drawn in my eyebrows before, but i've got the hang of it now and i'm loving it! It definitely frames my face a lot more.
Tomorrow, I'm going to film my everyday foundation routine so i'll try to show the red/purple in my hair on there!
Check back tomorrow night for that :)
Love your hair! :D